The Watchkeeper:  a Parable about Repentance

Once upon a time there was a family, Mom and Dad, Sam and Val.  One day they came to a large forest.  They wanted to cross through the forest in order to reach their Grandparents, who lived on the other side.


At the entrance, there was a kind and wise-looking young man, who introduced himself as the Watchkeeper.  “This is a dangerous forest,” he warned them, “with wild animals and slippery drop-offs, even quicksand.  But there is a way through.  I have built a path to protect you from the dangers and placed guardrails to keep you safe.”  He then emphasized, “I command you to stay on my path, for I love you and want you to make it safely to your destination.”  He urged them to never step over the guardrails.

The family promised they would, and started across this large forest.  Sometimes their path was smooth and full of beautiful views.  Other times it got rocky or steep or full of thorns.  Soon, it grew foggy, and even though it was still day time, it became shadowy and hard to see very far ahead.  They encouraged each other to just keep moving forward.  Sam was getting tired, and he let go of the railing in order to stretch for a minute.  He started to wander off of the safe path and over the guardrail.   “What am I doing?” he caught himself and remembering the words of the Watchkeeper, he hurried back quickly to the railing and safety.


Another time, Val heard an interesting voice urging her to come see what adventures there were away from the path.  So, she started toward it to explore for a minute.  Once past the guardrails and separated from her family, at first she felt a little excited to be on her own and facing the dangers by herself!  “This is not so bad!”  she told herself.  “I can handle this!”   Though Mom and Dad called her to come back, she ignored them for a time.  But then, it started to get scary.  She found that she had become lost and alone.  She remembered the warnings, and was afraid of hitting rugged rocks or falling into holes, which were hard to see in the darkness. What if night came without shelter or family?  What if she got bit by a wild animal or even stuck in quicksand?  But Val couldn’t find her way back. Then she slipped and felt a scrape all the way down her leg! She grimaced in pain, then cried for help.

Immediately, the  Watchkeeper came to her, to help her back to safety through the darkness. He had experienced every danger, in order to know how to help her back.   What’s more, He had a light to help her see.  How thankful she was for the kind rescue of this Wonderful Watchkeeper, and she told him how sorry she was for stepping over the guardrail and choosing to leave, despite His warnings.  As she neared the path, she heard Mom and Dad and Sam calling to her to come back! They had been sick with fear.  But now, they bandaged her leg and reminded her of her promise to stay on the path.  How happy they all were, to be together and safe once again.

They all resolved to stay where they were safe.     The End. 102-joy-when-we-turn-back-to-the-path-or-repent


Repentance is turning back.  It is so much easier to turn back early, like Sam did, rather than to put it off and maybe get bit or stuck!  The Watchkeeper is Jesus Christ.  He “marked the path and led the way,” (“How Great the Wisdom and the Love”  LDS Hymns #68) safely through this world of sin and temptation.  He paid the price for every time we wander and knows the way back.  He has given us the wonderful gift of repentance.   We must call to Him in prayer and follow the commandments He has given.  Satan’s way is to lure us away from the true path by whispering temptations in our ears and making us think other paths are more exciting or adventurous.   But Jesus has showed us the true path back to Him and He even provided the Way back to our Loving Heavenly Father and Mother.


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