Power to be Happy

Is anyone else struggling to smile these days?  I’ve had to be on a beta blocker for several weeks, which left me fatigued much of the time.  Dragging around, along with the worry and pain of my health issue, brought me the habit of a continuous frown!

Then, I heard about an experiment on the power of the smile!  Three groups of people were given a pencil.  The first group was told to put it horizontally in their mouths between their teeth, forcing a smile.  The second group placed theirs horizontally too, but only in their lips, using the same muscles as a frown.  The third group held their pencil in their hand, as the control group.  The entire group was shown a series of cartoons.  The ones who were “smiling” found them much more humorous than those with a “frown” or the control group!  Attitude and outlook were changed just by smiling!  Even when it is forced!  Dr.Andrew Weil, Spontaneous Happiness  https://sites.google.com/a/d.besttowerfan.com/ga9/laughter-makes-you-happy—–dr-dr-weil-s-spontaneous-happiness

Smiling, I learned, brings us lowered stress, lowered blood pressure, a boosted immune system, and released endorphins (natural pain relievers) and serotonin (feel good properties)! https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/isnt-what-i-expected/201207/try-some-smile-therapy

Smiles actually extend our life!  Research showed that pre-1950s Major League athletes whose baseball cards showed them smiling lived on average to almost 80 years, while those without a smile succumbed at an average of 72.9 years.  Amazingly, smiling gives us more brain stimulation than 20,000 bars of chocolate!  Ron Gutman, Ted Talk “The Hidden Power of Smiling” https://www.ted.com/talks/ron_gutman_the_hidden_power_of_smiling/transcript

What a powerful tool we have right under our noses:  a Smile!  And not only that, smiles are contagious, so we can share the happiness!

A Little Help from Each Other

One winter I noticed that my family was grumpy!  We had had a month of on and off colds, that seemed to drag on and zap us of our energy.  Therefore, we were irritable with each other.  So we decided to address it at Family Home Evening.

“Do you realize it when you are not smiling?”  We asked the kids.  “No, because we are not always in front of the mirror,” someone replied. “People ask me if something is wrong,” spoke up another, “and I hadn’t even realized I was frowning!”

A Smile is a gift to others!  It tells them:  You are OK!  It is one of our best ways to reach out to those around us and serve them.  So, in order to help us get back in the habit of a constant smile, we announced, we are going to do a week challenge:

Everyone put a rubber band on their wrist.  Whenever each of us sees our rubber band, we can remember.  In fact, we can stretch it and flick ourselves to remind us to smile!  (If you quickly change to a smile, there is no need for the painful flick.  But it does work well as a reminder to smile!)  We determined to keep those rubber bands on for a whole week.   It was fun to compare notes, on how we all were doing–or how our sore wrists were not so sore now!

To go with it, we found a couple of great quotes:

“Those that move forward with a happy spirit will find that things always work out.”  Gordon B. Hinckley

“Happiness in family life is most likely to be achieved when founded upon the teachings of the Lord Jesus Christ.”  The Family:  A Proclamation to the World.

“Keep trying.  Keep Believing.   Be Happy.  Don’t get Discouraged.  Things will work out.”                                                                                Gordon B. Hinckley

The Power of her Smile

I went to the temple this week, and whenever I go, I like to watch the elderly women helpers there (in order to learn how to grow older gracefully)!  I examine their hair and their makeup and their dresses, and take mental notes.  But the other day when I went, I was totally taken with one woman I met.  From the time I encountered her, she had such a warm smile for me!  I didn’t know her, but from the start, I felt like her best friend!  She just overflowed warmth and acceptance with that beautiful smile!  I remember her hair was gray and not colored, and I don’t even remember her dress at all, yet I consider this lady one of the most beautiful women I have ever met.  I learned that to grow old beautifully, I must cultivate a warm, loving smile.

My issues are not quite cleared up, but my smile is back!  I decided that every time I pass a mirror, I will put on a big smile and tell myself, “I am getting better every day!  I am getting younger every day! (I had to add that line, since my pinched, stressed face and puffy eyes have made me look too old!)”  My daughter and I check ourselves regularly to remember to smile.  And with kids home for the summer break, I’m determined to smile and be a Yes Mom!  One that says, “Yes!  You can have a cookie—after dinner!”  or “Yes, you can play video games–on Friday.”  I’m determined to say, “Yes, we’ll have to go to the park/swimming pool/grocery store for more food (I have a teenaged sons)–as soon as we can!”  or “Yes, I love camping too! (one son begs!)”

And I’m starting with a wonderful gift of a smile!  In hopes of making this summer with my kids a memorable, happy one!

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