Do-It Kids in a Don’t Touch World

Do-It Kids in a Don’t Touch World

Giving Children the Experiences that Help them Grow I remember when my little baby girl encountered grass for the first time.  She was born in October, in Utah, and so the next spring when lawns started to grow again, it was a first for her.  I sat her on a...
Being There

Being There

Being There A Constant in their Lives I asked one of my older kids what was their favorite childhood memory.  Turns out, it was when she had a terrible earache that woke her and kept her up all night.  “You looked at photo albums with me for a long time,” this...
No Comparison?

No Comparison?

Be Like our Children! We know that comparison is the thief of Joy.  But how can we stop looking at others and deciding who is better at this or that?  The sun is different than the moon, which is different than the stars, but each has a certain time to...
Making Mistakes

Making Mistakes

M Making the Grade Usually, you don’t have to be perfect to get an “A.” In fact, A’s are usually given for anywhere between 90-100% on a test.  So if a student pushes for just 10% mistakes, he can still get the top grade.  Not so with music.  Musicians...
On a Plateau?

On a Plateau?

A Change of Outlook; A Change of Prayers There once was a good lady who had been sick for some time, and just wasn’t getting well.  Despite all she could do and even blessings that had been give her, she wasn’t well yet.  “What should I do?” she asked Elder...
“I DID say it, Mom!”

“I DID say it, Mom!”

Their Reality Have you ever watched the 3-year olds at a Primary Presentation?  There they are standing there in front of the congregation in all their cuteness, with big eyes—and absolutely not singing.  But they think they are!  Many a Primary...