Overcoming Attachment Issues

In Adoptive Families Babies begin to develop attachment even before they are born. [i] Attachment is a special connection between the baby and their mother (and also their father, or caregiver), which affects the development of the baby’s brain. It is these “bonding,”...

Dinnertime “Rapport” Card

How to stir up conversation at the dinner table. Write Clues to Discuss at the Kitchen Table “How was School Today?” you ask your children as they come inside and drop their backpack. “OK!” is the reply you get—or some other one-word answer, leaving you wanting more...

Extinguish It!

Extinguish that Behavior My friend had a Big Problem!  Her kids had picked up a naughty phrase, and they were using it All  THE TIME!  “Stinky Butt Head” was a little funny at first. But it quickly got out of hand!  The kids were calling people...

On Their Level: An Explanation Point on Good Effort

A little child comes over and pulls on her mother’s skirt. “Mommy, Mommy!” she yells, not able to wait another second to tell her newest discovery! A little man has just perfected his ability to whistle—at last!  He desperately wants to share his victory: “Listen...

Yay for You!

“Every family has at least one member who keeps score, “ noticed Grandmother one day. It’s the one who keeps track who gets what, when, and how much.  They are always complaining that someone got this and they didn’t, or that this person got twice as much as that...