Binky Trouble!

Binky Trouble!

Getting a Baby to take a Binky or Taking away Baby’s Binky! Call it a “Binky” or “Pacifier” or even a “Plug,” a Binky is a wonderful invention, one that soothes a baby and calms her right down.  Sucking is good for a baby, and binkies provide that—when they work out! ...
Just One Thing

Just One Thing

Overwhelmed?  It feels so good to get One Thing done!  I recently went to my daughter’s home, to help her with her new baby son.  Memories flooded my mind of the wonderful time we moms get to spend nursing our tiny ones.  But along with those, I remembered sitting and...
Those Teeth!

Those Teeth!

Tips to Try! “Take a good look at your toothbrush,” urged Marjorie Pay Hinckley, “and say, ‘Thank you for being, you’re a wonderful little gadget.’” Teeth...
Practicing Reverence

Practicing Reverence

Quiet in Church? What a challenge, to take noisy, restless children with us to church, without detracting from the reverence. What do we want?  We want not only quiet children, but children who can be calm enough to feel the Spirit at church.  We want them to learn to...
Magically Buckled In!

Magically Buckled In!

Keeping a Child in his Car Seat or Seat Belt I used to use Magic to get the kids all buckled up!  Yes Magic!!  I would start by asking myself aloud, “I wonder if I can use magic to get us all safe?”  If my children agreed that was a great idea, I then closed my eyes...