Satan’s New Plan Exposed!

Satan’s New Plan Exposed!

Screens:  Manage or Be Managed Satan’s plan to destroy God’s Kingdom was at risk.  The new spirits coming to earth were so sharp and so fearless, a huge threat to him.  If only he could distract them with screens of their very own.  Put violence in their daily...
Music, a Magnificent Tool

Music, a Magnificent Tool

In Salt Lake City, the shopping area downtown across the street from the temple was starting to get run-down.  So, there was a brand-new beautiful mall built, right across from Temple Square.  But a less than ideal element started to congregate there, including gang...
The Questionnaire

The Questionnaire

An Amazing Family Reunion Tool! Thanksgiving season is upon us soon, and the chance to be with family!  How we love to get together!  But does your family experience what mine does, that the conversation remains superficial?  No one goes very deep into what is really...
The Problem of Fatigue

The Problem of Fatigue

Finding Rest When I was a new mom, I remember asking myself, “Why didn’t I appreciate my sleep when I used to get enough?”  Babies sure are wonderful, but they sure get us up a lot!  Which makes for lots of tiredness.  Fatigue is tough, so tough that Christ even...
The Magic Carpet Ride

The Magic Carpet Ride

Satan’s Big Lies and Christ’s Big Truths Imagine that you get the chance to fly!  You hear of this great offer:  All you have to do is sit yourself on a magic carpet, and soon you are off!!  Nothing in your way, no one to hold you back.  Just the...
Confident Parenting

Confident Parenting

Partnering with God  Parenting takes Confidence.  If I’m feeling less than confident, what could I do? First, there’s the foundation. If someone were to ask me just why all this is worth it in the first place, why marriage and families are so important, I want to be...